not works!
not works!
you brains!
not so hard if you shoot rapid, you kill him and win!
how sadistic the story... AND I PUNCHED THEY!
how igetthe infinite torch burn?
a good scenario for sniper games!
i make slenderman:
1:use male
2:white skin
3:none and closed eyes
5:i donnnnnnnnnnnnnnne
my Nazi zombie:
make a squid liquidto dominates the plants
Gun name: B-B K123
Ammo Capacity: 500,000 bullets per clip
Extra: Retirable Stock For Knife, Semi-Auto Shoots, 4 Special Bullets.
Stock: BK 309 (Only for this gun)
Clip: 5H-P12(Only for this gun)
Handle: Glock R-T BL (CODENAME: Glock-Clock)
Pointer: Carbonizate B-Tesla Pointer
Stock: Shooting High Omega Oblique Technology Gun Used for No purposes (S.H.O.O.T.G.U.N)
Cost: 1B (One Billion Dollars)
Yeah, i am the actual one
Not your Business
Terrorizer of Tokyo
Not your Business
Not your Business
Joined on 7/20/19